Really Frenzy II (Lukasz Grabun) 2002-02-08 [post] boot, clear, gate, quick, scan
Mani 24 (Lukasz Grabun) 2002-01-21 [post] scan, boot
Really Frenzy (Lukasz Grabun) 2001-12-05 [post] quick, scan, clear, gate, boot
Fire and Ice II (David Moore) 2001-11-27 [post] stone, clear, pspace, boot
airbag frenzy (Lukasz Grabun) 2001-11-25 [post] stone, stun, gate, clear, boot
frenzy v6 (Lukasz Grabun) 2001-11-21 [post] stone, clear, boot, stun, gate
KAT v5 (Dave Hillis) 2001-08-21 [post] pspace, paper, imp, stone, stun, boot, scan
Hold still a minute...Thanks (Dave Hillis) 2001-04-06 [post] other, pspace, boot, scan, stone
DwarfBomb (Ben Snitkoff) 2001-04-06 [post] stone, boot, other
DwarfBomb (Ben Snitkoff) 2001-04-06 [post] stone, boot, other
DwarfBomb (v2) (Ben Snitkoff, Paul-Virak Khuong) 2001-04-06 [post] stone, boot, other
DwarfBomb (v2) (Ben Snitkoff, Christoph Birk) 2001-04-06 [post] stone, boot, other
Big I.F.F.S. (Dave Hillis) 2001-04-06 [post] pspace, imp, clear, scan, gate, stone, boot
Lithium X 8 (John K. Wilkinson) 2000-11-19 [post] boot, stone, stun
Starving Hacker (David Moore) 1999-09-05 [post] boot, scan, clear, other
Mine v0.3 (John K. Wilkinson) 1999-09-04 [post] stone, stun, scan, other, boot
Shot in the dark (Brian Haskin) 1998-09-09 [post] clear, boot
Scanitator Pro (Christian Schmidt) 1998-06-29 [mail] quick, scan, pspace, paper, stone, boot
Digitalis 4 (Christian Schmidt) 1998-06-29 [mail] quick, scan, clear, imp, boot, gate
Silccon (M Joonas Pihlaja) 1998-06-17 [post] pspace, scan, clear, stone, boot, gate
Blurstone (M Joonas Pihlaja) 1998-06-17 [post] stone, scan, clear, gate, boot, pspace
Double-Vision (WFB) 1998-06-14 [mail] boot, stone
Alien (Christian Schmidt) 1998-05-18 [Core Warrior 67] quick, scan, stone, imp, boot
One-Two (WFB) 1998-05-15 [post] boot, stone, stun
loserman!!! (WFB) 1998-05-14 [post] boot, stone
Tuning Fork (Robert Hale) 1998-05-11 [mail] pspace, scan, paper, boot, clear, gate
Liquid Paper (Sean McDonald) 1998-05-06 [mail] paper, pspace, boot, scan, clear, gate
Harquebus (M Joonas Pihlaja) 1998-05-04 [post] pspace, scan, stun, boot, gate, clear
Torn (M Joonas Pihlaja) 1998-05-03 [post] stone, clear, boot, gate, stone, stun
meld (M Joonas Pihlaja) 1998-05-03 [post] pspace, scan, stun, clear, gate, other, stone, boot
Double (John K. Wilkinson) 1998-04-29 [Redcode Maniacs Tournament (round 9)] vamp, clear, imp, gate, boot, other
masterpiece (Zul Nadzri) 1998-04-29 [Redcode Maniacs Tournament (round 9)] other, boot, paper, stone, imp
The Question (David Moore) 1998-04-29 [Redcode Maniacs Tournament (round 9)] vamp, scan, stone, boot
Inphanticisism (Robert Macrae) 1998-04-29 [Redcode Maniacs Tournament (round 9)] clear, stun, scan, vamp, boot, other
Tim Tack (Paul Kline) 1998-04-29 [Redcode Maniacs Tournament (round 9)] scan, clear, other, boot, gate
Cut and paste (Ilmari Karonen) 1998-04-29 [Redcode Maniacs Tournament (round 9)] quick, scan, stone, boot
All Systems Normal (Robert Hale) 1998-04-29 [Redcode Maniacs Tournament (round 9)] boot, paper, stone
Foobar (Björn Günzel) 1998-04-29 [Redcode Maniacs Tournament (round 9)] stone, stun, clear, boot
Nose-Picker (Ryan Coleman) 1998-04-29 [Redcode Maniacs Tournament (round 9)] boot, scan, stun, clear, vamp
Invisigoth (Anders Rosendal) 1998-04-29 [Redcode Maniacs Tournament (round 8)] pspace, clear, gate, stone, stun, boot
Reindeer (Ian Oversby) 1998-04-29 [Redcode Maniacs Tournament (round 8)] imp, boot, clear, gate, pspace, stone, scan, stun
Mind Writer (David Moore) 1998-04-29 [Redcode Maniacs Tournament (round 8)] pspace, boot, scan, clear
Almost the Last One (Robert Macrae) 1998-04-29 [Redcode Maniacs Tournament (round 8)] boot, pspace, other, clear, stun, vamp, stone
Al's Cave (Paul Kline) 1998-04-29 [Redcode Maniacs Tournament (round 8)] pspace, stone, boot, scan, stun, clear, other, vamp
The Paperboy and his silver bullet (Robert Hale) 1998-04-29 [Redcode Maniacs Tournament (round 8)] quick, scan, pspace, paper, stone, boot
p-U v.4 (Ryan Coleman) 1998-04-29 [Redcode Maniacs Tournament (round 8)] pspace, scan, stun, paper, boot
Invisigoth (Anders Rosendal) 1998-04-29 [Redcode Maniacs Tournament (round 7)] pspace, clear, scan, gate, stone, stun, boot
Interlaced 0 (Damien "Planar" Doligez) 1998-04-29 [Redcode Maniacs Tournament (round 7)] pspace, paper, boot, stone, stun, clear
Spring Tides (Ian Oversby) 1998-04-29 [Redcode Maniacs Tournament (round 7)] stone, scan, pspace, boot, stun, clear
Recycled Bits-- (David Moore) 1998-04-29 [Redcode Maniacs Tournament (round 7)] scan, paper, other, stone, pspace, clear, gate, boot
Bubbles (John Metcalf) 1998-04-29 [Redcode Maniacs Tournament (round 7), Redcode Maniacs Tournament (round 8)] pspace, boot, stone, stun, clear, gate, paper
Three Musketeers (Robert Macrae) 1998-04-29 [Redcode Maniacs Tournament (round 7)] pspace, stone, scan, clear, imp, gate, boot
cute (John K. Lewis) 1998-04-29 [Redcode Maniacs Tournament (round 7), Redcode Maniacs Tournament (round 8)] pspace, boot, scan, clear, stun, paper
Alladin's Ring (Paul Kline) 1998-04-29 [Redcode Maniacs Tournament (round 7)] pspace, stone, clear, gate, stun, boot
Smarty (Ilmari Karonen) 1998-04-29 [Redcode Maniacs Tournament (round 7), Redcode Maniacs Tournament (round 8)] pspace, paper, boot, clear, scan, stun
LeatherNeck (Robert Hale) 1998-04-29 [Redcode Maniacs Tournament (round 7)] pspace, scan, stone, imp, clear, gate, stun, boot
qbomber v .569 (Ryan Coleman) 1998-04-29 [Redcode Maniacs Tournament (round 7)] quick, stone, boot, gate, clear
Stone Killer 5.22 (John K. Wilkinson) 1998-04-29 [Redcode Maniacs Tournament (round 6)] pspace, clear, other, boot, gate, scan, stun
Murky+15% (Simon Wainwright) 1998-04-29 [Redcode Maniacs Tournament (round 6)] boot, clear, gate, stone
P^2 (Anders Rosendal) 1998-04-29 [Redcode Maniacs Tournament (round 6)] pspace, boot, clear, gate
Paper :-) (Ian Oversby) 1998-04-29 [Redcode Maniacs Tournament (round 6)] pspace, other, boot, clear, gate, imp, scan
kill -9 (David Moore) 1998-04-29 [Redcode Maniacs Tournament (round 6)] other, boot, clear, gate
Whatever (Ilmari Karonen) 1998-04-29 [Redcode Maniacs Tournament (round 6)] quick, scan, other, clear, gate, boot
Skittish (Robert Hale) 1998-04-29 [Redcode Maniacs Tournament (round 6)] other, boot, clear, gate
Best of the best (Compudemon) 1998-04-29 [Redcode Maniacs Tournament (round 6), Redcode Maniacs Tournament (round 7), Redcode Maniacs Tournament (round 8), Redcode Maniacs Tournament (round 9)] other, boot, clear, gate
dodger (Beppe Bezzi) 1998-04-29 [Redcode Maniacs Tournament (round 6)] other, boot, clear, gate
MyHeremPaper (John K. Wilkinson) 1998-04-29 [Redcode Maniacs Tournament (round 5)] stone, paper, boot
Quick and Dirty (Damien "Planar" Doligez) 1998-04-29 [Redcode Maniacs Tournament (round 5)] quick, scan, stone, imp, boot
Freight Train (David Moore) 1998-04-29 [Redcode Maniacs Tournament (round 5)] imp, stone, quick, scan, boot
SNOWMAN v3.15 (John Metcalf) 1998-04-29 [Redcode Maniacs Tournament (round 5)] stone, clear, boot
Kitchen Sink II (Robert Macrae) 1998-04-29 [Redcode Maniacs Tournament (round 5)] quick, scan, paper, clear, stone, boot
Froglegs (John K. Lewis) 1998-04-29 [Redcode Maniacs Tournament (round 5), Redcode Maniacs Tournament (round 6)] gate, clear, paper, boot, stone, scan
Vortex (Ilmari Karonen) 1998-04-29 [Redcode Maniacs Tournament (round 5)] boot, imp, stone, stun, clear, gate
Dwarf 4sa (Compudemon) 1998-04-29 [Redcode Maniacs Tournament (round 5)] boot, stone
Rusty Old Scissors v4 (Ryan Coleman) 1998-04-29 [Redcode Maniacs Tournament (round 5), Redcode Maniacs Tournament (round 6)] boot, scan, stun, clear
Foggy swamp (Beppe Bezzi) 1998-04-29 [Redcode Maniacs Tournament (round 5)] quick, scan, boot, stun, clear
Circle of life (WolfWings) 1998-04-29 [Redcode Maniacs Tournament (round 4)] pspace, boot, stone, clear, paper, scan, stun
Triac (Damien "Planar" Doligez) 1998-04-29 [Redcode Maniacs Tournament (round 4)] pspace, boot, stone, clear, paper, scan, stun
The Optimist (David Moore) 1998-04-29 [Redcode Maniacs Tournament (round 4)] pspace, boot, stone, clear, paper, scan, stun
Struma & Maritza (John Metcalf) 1998-04-29 [Redcode Maniacs Tournament (round 4)] pspace, boot, stone, clear, paper, scan, stun
Psst 2.0 (Robert Macrae) 1998-04-29 [Redcode Maniacs Tournament (round 4)] pspace, boot, stone, clear, paper, scan, stun
Batz Maru (John K. Lewis) 1998-04-29 [Redcode Maniacs Tournament (round 4)] pspace, boot, stone, clear, paper, scan, stun
rmt 4 pk (Paul Kline) 1998-04-29 [Redcode Maniacs Tournament (round 4)] pspace, boot, paper, scan, stun
Maybe (Ilmari Karonen) 1998-04-29 [Redcode Maniacs Tournament (round 4)] pspace, boot, stone, clear, paper, scan, stun
Randomizer (Robert Hale) 1998-04-29 [Redcode Maniacs Tournament (round 4)] pspace, boot, stone, clear, paper, scan, stun
Ghost in the Core (Edgar) 1998-04-29 [Redcode Maniacs Tournament (round 4), Redcode Maniacs Tournament (round 6), Redcode Maniacs Tournament (round 7), Redcode Maniacs Tournament (round 8)] pspace, boot, stone, clear, paper, scan, stun
LightSwitch v6 (Ryan Coleman) 1998-04-29 [Redcode Maniacs Tournament (round 4)] pspace, boot, stone, clear, paper, scan, stun
Simple things do well (Beppe Bezzi) 1998-04-29 [Redcode Maniacs Tournament (round 4)] pspace, boot, stone, clear, paper, scan, stun
Paper Killer 2.1 (John K. Wilkinson) 1998-04-29 [Redcode Maniacs Tournament (round 3)] pspace, scan, stun, clear, gate, boot
Sneaky 2d (Ilmari Karonen) 1998-04-29 [Redcode Maniacs Tournament (round 3)] scan, pspace, boot, stun, clear, gate
LP and Feelin' Fine (John K. Wilkinsonn) 1998-04-29 [Redcode Maniacs Tournament (round 2)] pspace, clear, boot, vamp, stone, paper, imp
Snake Pit (David Moore) 1998-04-29 [Redcode Maniacs Tournament (round 2)] vamp, stone, boot
Incisive (Robert Macrae) 1998-04-29 [Redcode Maniacs Tournament (round 2)] vamp, clear, boot
Beanbag (Paul Kline) 1998-04-29 [Redcode Maniacs Tournament (round 2)] pspace, boot, other, stone, imp, paper
No Time (Ilmari Karonen) 1998-04-29 [Redcode Maniacs Tournament (round 2)] boot, clear
Multitude (Robert Hale) 1998-04-29 [Redcode Maniacs Tournament (round 2), Redcode Maniacs Tournament (round 3)] clear, quick, scan, boot, gate
5p beta 2.3 lp (Björn Günzel) 1998-04-29 [Redcode Maniacs Tournament (round 2), Redcode Maniacs Tournament (round 3), Redcode Maniacs Tournament (round 6), Redcode Maniacs Tournament (round 7), Redcode Maniacs Tournament (round 8)] stone, stun, clear, gate, boot
Qwill v3 (Ryan Coleman) 1998-04-29 [Redcode Maniacs Tournament (round 2)] quick, scan, stone, boot
Impfinity v4g1-nodecoy (Damien "Planar" Doligez) 1998-04-29 [Redcode Maniacs Tournament (round 1)] boot, imp, stone, clear
Funky Monks (David Moore) 1998-04-29 [Redcode Maniacs Tournament (round 1)] quick, scan, pspace, paper, boot, clear, gate
Phantasm 50 (Robert Macrae) 1998-04-29 [Redcode Maniacs Tournament (round 1)] scan, stun, clear, boot
archangel (John K. Lewis) 1998-04-29 [Redcode Maniacs Tournament (round 1)] other, clear, paper, imp, boot, gate, scan
Kiss the Fish Babe! (Paul Kline) 1998-04-29 [Redcode Maniacs Tournament (round 1)] pspace, scan, stun, boot, stone, paper
Knightmare (Robert Hale) 1998-04-29 [Redcode Maniacs Tournament (round 1)] pspace, boot, scan, stun, clear, gate, other
BiShot (Christian Schmidt) 1998-04-28 [mail] scan, stun, clear, boot
Fire and Ice (David Moore) 1998-04-27 [post] paper, pspace, boot, scan, stun, clear, gate
Newt (Ian Oversby) 1998-04-26 [post, mail] quick, scan, stone, imp, boot
qDeath 2.1 (Ryan Coleman, Philip Kendall) 1998-04-13 [mail] quick, scan, stun, clear, boot
Big Brother (Philip Kendall) 1998-04-13 [mail] pspace, scan, clear, stun, boot, stone
Bigger Brother (Philip Kendall) 1998-04-13 [mail] boot, scan, clear, gate, stone, pspace, paper
qDeath 2.2 (Ryan Coleman, Philip Kendall) 1998-04-08 [Core Warrior 66] quick, scan, stun, clear, boot
Alladin's Cave (Paul Kline) 1998-04-08 [Core Warrior 66] pspace, stone, vamp, clear, stun, boot, scan, gate
qbomber v .469 (Ryan Coleman) 1998-04-01 [post] quick, stone, boot, stun, clear, gate
Scan Man (David van Dam) 1998-03-13 [mail] scan, clear, boot
Freight Train v0.2 (David Moore) 1998-03-12 [post] imp, stone, quick, scan, boot
Iced Creamer 1.3 (Compudemon) 1998-03-07 [post] pspace, boot, stone, scan, stun, paper
FOXphorus I (Bryn A Davies) 1998-03-09 [post] boot, clear, stone, stun
Short Circuit (Philip Kendall) 1998-02-23 [Anton's Tournament round 2] clear, scan, boot, pspace
Anti Head (Ian Oversby) 1998-02-23 [Anton's Tournament round 2] boot, imp, stone
Head Basher (Brian Haskin) 1998-02-23 [Anton's Tournament round 2] clear, pspace, other, boot
PBeat v1.0 (Philipp Offermann) 1998-02-23 [Anton's Tournament round 2] scan, pspace, boot
Benj's Revenge 1.0 (aka "obvious") (Robert Macrae) 1998-01-08 [mail, Core Warrior 64] paper, scan, quick, boot
Tempest (David Moore) 1998-01-07 [post] stone, paper, boot
Digitalis 2 (Christian Schmidt) 1997-10-13 [Core Warrior 63] quick, scan, clear, boot, imp
C^3 (Christian Schmidt) 1997-10-13 [Core Warrior 63] quick, scan, clear, boot
Aikido.beta (John K. Lewis) 1997-09-30 [post] clear, boot, stone, other
CLP (Paul Kline) 1997-09-25 [post] other, boot, vamp
Electric Head (Anton Marsden) 1997-07-02 [Core Warrior 59, post] pspace, clear, gate, boot, scan, stun, paper, stone
Limb Rending Incisors (Ian Sutton) 1997-05-01 [post] vamp, stun, clear, boot
Versatility 1.7 (Ross Morgan-Linial) 1997-04-19 [mail] pspace, scan, stun, clear, paper, boot, gate, stone
The Bloodhound (Ian Sutton) 1997-04-07 [post] scan, stun, boot, other
One Shot (Philip Kendall) 1997-04-02 [post] scan, stun, clear, gate, boot
One Shot 'T' (Philip Kendall) 1997-04-02 [post] boot, scan, clear, gate, stun
NCC-1701-A (Philip Kendall) 1997-04-01 [Core Warrior 57] pspace, boot, stone, scan, clear, gate
Hopefully Indestructible v1.0 (Ian Sutton) 1997-03-20 [post] boot, clear, gate
phantom clear (Brian Haskin) 1997-03-05 [post] boot, clear, stun
Scanitator 4 (Christian Schmidt) 1997-02-16 [mail] quick, scan, pspace, paper, stone, boot
Terkonit 0.4 (Christian Schmidt) 1997-02-16 [mail] quick, scan, boot, paper, imp
faerie circle (John K. Lewis) 1997-01-30 [mail] imp, stone, clear, boot
RetroQ (Paul Kline) 1997-01-22 [Core Warrior 54] quick, scan, imp, stone, boot, paper, imp
Gigolo (Beppe Bezzi, Myer Bremer, Anton Marsden) 1996-12-20 [Core Warrior 53] quick, scan, stone, imp, boot
Oblivion (Ian Sutton) 1996-12-18 [post] stone, clear, pspace, scan, stun, boot
Scanitator 3.0 (Christian Schmidt) 1996-12-18 [post] quick, scan, pspace, paper, stone, boot
Stone One (Philip Kendall) 1996-12-16 [?] quick, scan, boot, stone, imp, clear
Sandstorm Q/0.6c (Ilmari Karonen) 1996-12-11 [mail] quick, scan, vamp, stun, pspace, boot, stone, clear, imp, gate
vamp 0.2b (Björn Günzel) 1996-12-11 [post] vamp, scan, stun, clear, boot
delay 0.02b 50 (Björn Günzel) 1996-12-11 [post] stone, imp, clear, boot
Judgement Day (Philip Kendall) 1996-12-09 [Beppe's tournament rounds 6,7,8] pspace, other, scan, clear, gate, boot
bored loser (Björn Günzel) 1996-12-09 [Beppe's tournament round 5] stone, clear, gate, boot
Evoltmp 88 (John K. Wilkinson) 1996-12-09 [Beppe's tournament round 5] boot, stone, imp
bump.v2 (harleyQ2) 1996-12-09 [Beppe's tournament round 5] stone, boot
4way (David Moore) 1996-12-09 [Beppe's tournament round 5] boot, stone, paper, imp
blue candle (Björn Günzel) 1996-12-09 [Beppe's tournament round 4] stone, imp, boot, clear, gate
EvolTmp - multi 4 (John K. Wilkinson) 1996-12-09 [Beppe's tournament round 4] stone, imp, boot, clear, gate
Papyrus 13 (Justin Kao) 1996-12-09 [Beppe's tournament round 4] paper, boot
Surviver (Anton Marsden) 1996-12-09 [Beppe's tournament round 4] quick, scan, boot, paper, vamp, stun
cunning mushroom (Björn Günzel) 1996-12-09 [Beppe's tournament round 3] boot, scan, other, clear
Evoltmp 88 (John K. Wilkinson) 1996-12-09 [Beppe's tournament round 3] boot, stone, imp
bump (harleyQ2) 1996-12-09 [Beppe's tournament round 3] stone, imp, boot
Diamod 88 (Matt Lewinski) 1996-12-09 [Beppe's tournament round 3] boot, imp, stone
Leapfrog (David Moore) 1996-12-09 [Beppe's tournament round 3] quick, scan, stone, paper, clear, gate, boot
Cannon Jr (Zul Nadzri) 1996-12-09 [Beppe's tournament round 3] boot, stone, clear, imp
Simple '88 v0.2 (Ian Oversby) 1996-12-09 [Beppe's tournament round 3] imp, clear, boot, stone, gate
Golden Gate 3.1 (Franz) 1996-12-09 [Beppe's tournament round 2] stone, clear, boot
low price (Björn Günzel) 1996-12-09 [Beppe's tournament round 2] scan, boot, clear, gate
mayhem.qlp (harleyQ2) 1996-12-09 [Beppe's tournament round 2] quick, scan, boot, clear, gate
Yet Another Try 2LP (Justin Kao) 1996-12-09 [Beppe's tournament round 2] quick, scan, boot, clear
MI5 (Philip Kendall) 1996-12-09 [Beppe's tournament round 2] stone, clear, boot
Bag of Tricks (Anton Marsden) 1996-12-09 [Beppe's tournament round 2] clear, scan, boot
Triad (Robert Macrae) 1996-12-09 [Beppe's tournament round 2] quick, scan, stone, clear, boot
1,000lb weight v2 (Ross Morgan-Linial) 1996-12-09 [Beppe's tournament round 2] boot, stone
Sandstone (Zul Nadzri) 1996-12-09 [Beppe's tournament round 2] stone, pspace, boot
Ever Cautious (Ian Oversby) 1996-12-09 [Beppe's tournament round 2] stone, pspace, boot, clear, gate, stun
evoltmp (John K. Wilkinson) 1996-12-09 [Beppe's tournament round 1] boot, stone, imp
mayhem.q (harleyQ2) 1996-12-09 [Beppe's tournament round 1] quick, scan, stun, boot, clear, gate
Sapphire (Philip Kendall) 1996-12-09 [Beppe's tournament round 1] stone, imp, boot
Tangle Trap (David Moore) 1996-12-09 [Beppe's tournament round 1] vamp, boot, stun, clear
ompega (Steven Morrell) 1996-12-09 [Beppe's tournament round 1] stone, imp, boot
Negative Energy (Zul Nadzri) 1996-12-09 [Beppe's tournament round 1] pspace, boot, clear, stun, gate, stone
Falcon v0.5 (Ian Oversby) 1996-12-09 [Beppe's tournament round 1] pspace, scan, imp, stone, clear, boot, gate, stun
PacMan (David Moore) 1996-11-19 [mail, mail] boot, stone, clear, stun
Dr. Gate v2 (Franz) 1996-11-15 [post] stone, clear, boot, gate, stun
CC Paper 2 (Franz) 1996-10-31 [post] quick, scan, paper, clear, boot
Frogz (Franz) 1996-10-31 [post] quick, scan, boot, paper
The Machine (Anton Marsden) 1996-10-28 [Core Warrior 48] boot, scan, stun, clear
Jolt v0.3 (J. A-Worth) 1996-10-25 [post] scan, stun, clear, boot
Sandstorm Q/0.5b (Ilmari Karonen) 1996-10-25 [mail] quick, scan, vamp, stun, pspace, boot, stone, clear, gate
Enough is enough! (Ilmari Karonen) 1996-10-25 [mail] quick, scan, paper, boot
Mrs Di (Björn Günzel) 1996-10-25 [post] scan, imp, stone, other, boot
Sandstorm Q/0.4 (Ilmari Karonen) 1996-10-20 [post] quick, scan, vamp, stun, pspace, boot, stone, clear, gate
Impish v0.2 (Ian Oversby) 1996-10-18 [mail, post] imp, stone, boot
Eggbeater (Anton Marsden) 1996-10-07 [Core Warrior 46] boot, scan, stun, clear, gate
Kitchen Sink 2.1 (Franz) 1996-09-25 [mail] quick, scan, boot, paper, boot
Kitchen Sink 2.1 (Franz) 1996-09-25 [mail] quick, scan, boot, paper, boot
no-good-punk (Franz) 1996-09-25 [mail] stone, boot, clear, gate
Delirium 5 (Franz) 1996-09-25 [mail] pspace, paper, vamp, stun, boot, clear, gate
Falcon v0.3 (Ian Oversby) 1996-09-19 [mail] pspace, boot, scan, clear, stun, gate, imp, stone
Neverending Brutality 7 (Franz) 1996-09-18 [post, mail] quick, scan, stun, vamp, pspace, clear, gate, boot
Simple '88 (Ian Oversby) 1996-08-13 [mail] imp, clear, boot, stone, gate
Vampirism 1.2 (Philip Kendall) 1996-08-08 [post] boot, scan, vamp, stun, clear
Earthquake v0.2 (Björn Günzel, Ian Oversby) 1996-08-08 [mail] quick, scan, boot, stun, clear, stone
Ick v1.5 (Justin Kao) 1996-08-04 [post] quick, scan, stone, boot, clear, stun, gate
Versatility 1.5 (Ross Morgan-Linial) 1996-08-03 [post] pspace, scan, stun, clear, paper, boot, gate, stone
Ties, Ties, Ties! (+3) (Ross Morgan-Linial) 1996-08-03 [post] paper, imp, pspace, boot, stone, stun, clear, gate
Probe (Anton Marsden) 1996-07-29 [Core Warrior 40, Redcode Maniacs Tournament (round 7), Redcode Maniacs Tournament (round 8)] quick, scan, boot, stone, stun, clear, gate
Nematode v1.3e+ (Jonathan Stott) 1996-07-24 [post] paper, imp, boot
Jack in the box II (Beppe Bezzi) 1996-07-23 [Core Warrior 39] pspace, stone, stun, paper, boot, gate, clear
d-clear II (Björn Günzel) 1996-07-18 [post] boot, clear, stun
justice 2 (Björn Günzel) 1996-07-18 [post] stone, boot, clear, stun
Yet 4b (Justin Kao) 1996-07-16 [post] quick, scan, stun, boot, clear
myVamp5.4 (Magnus Paulsson) 1996-07-06 [mail, Core Warrior 38] vamp, scan, clear, stun, boot
Hazy Shade II (John K. Wilkinson) 1996-07-04 [mail] pspace, imp, boot, stone, clear, stun
Simple v0.2a (Ian Oversby) 1996-07-01 [mail] stone, imp, clear, gate, boot
Twister (Beppe Bezzi) 1996-06-24 [Core Warrior 35] quick, scan, stone, gate, vamp, stun, boot
Yogi Bear (Paul Kline) 1996-06-24 [post] pspace, boot, scan, stun, clear, stone, imp, gate
Yet Another Try 1.0b (Justin Kao) 1996-06-12 [post] quick, scan, stun, boot, clear, gate
stoninc (Maurizio Vittuari) 1996-06-11 [Core Warrior 33] pspace, vamp, stun, boot, stone, clear, gate
the historian (Björn Günzel) 1996-06-11 [Core Warrior 33] pspace, boot, stone, stun, imp, clear, gate
Imperator (Björn Günzel) 1996-06-08 [post] stone, clear, stun, boot
P-clear (Paul Kline) 1996-06-03 [Core Warrior 32] clear, gate, boot
Rosebud (Beppe Bezzi) 1996-05-27 [Core Warrior 31] stone, imp, boot
blue torch (Björn Günzel) 1996-05-26 [post] boot, stone, clear, gate
self justice (Björn Günzel) 1996-05-26 [post] stone, stun, clear, gate, boot
blue candle (Björn Günzel) 1996-05-26 [post] stone, imp, boot, clear, gate
PleGiMACS II (John K. Wilkinson) 1996-05-25 [post] boot, scan, gate
Rusty v0.1 (John K. Lewis) 1996-05-02 [mail] scan, clear, boot
Grilled Octopus v0.7 (David Boeren) 1996-04-30 [Core Warrior 27] pspace, stone, clear, boot, scan, stun, paper
Grilled Octopus v0.5 (David Boeren) 1996-04-23 [Core Warrior 26] pspace, stone, clear, boot, scan, stun, paper
Wind-up Toy v0.4 (Ian Oversby) 1996-04-16 [post] pspace, scan, stone, other, clear, boot, gate, stun
Two Pack (John K. Wilkinson) 1996-04-16 [post] boot, stone, imp, clear
Stepping Stone (Kurt Franke) 1996-04-15 [Core Warrior 25] quick, scan, boot, vamp, stun, clear, pspace
PacMan v3 (David Moore) 1996-04-09 [post] boot, stone, clear, gate, stun
Double Clown v1.1 (Pierre-Etienne Moreau) 1996-04-09 [mail] boot, scan, stun, clear
Thermite II (Robert Macrae) 1996-04-09 [Core Warrior 24] quick, scan, stun, stone, boot, clear, gate
No Prisoners (John K. Wilkinson) 1996-04-08 [post] boot, scan, stun, clear
Three Core Monty (Andrew Fabbro) 1996-04-04 [post] boot, stone
Chameleon (Myer R. Bremer) 1996-04-04 [post, Beppe's tournament round 1, Beppe's tournament round 2] pspace, scan, stun, gate, clear, stone, boot, imp
U Test (John K. Wilkinson) 1996-04-04 [post] stone, boot
tripod v1.5 (Brian Haskin) 1996-04-02 [post] pspace, paper, stone, clear, gate, stun, boot
Gem of the Ocean (Paul Kline) 1996-04-02 [post] pspace, stone, clear, stun, boot, other, paper
Papery (Ian Oversby) 1996-04-01 [post] boot, stone, paper
Pretentious v0.2 (Ian Oversby) 1996-04-01 [post] pspace, boot, paper, scan, clear
Eranu v1.02 (Scott Manley) 1996-03-31 [Web page] boot, vamp, stun, clear
Lithium (John K. Wilkinson) 1996-03-24 [post] boot, stone, stun, clear, gate
System Trap (Kurt Franke) 1996-03-22 [post] scan, vamp, other, paper, clear, stun, pspace, boot
Cannonade (Paul Kline) 1996-03-20 [John Wilkinson's Beginner's Benchmark] boot, stone, clear, imp
Uvavu (Scott Manley) 1996-03-19 [Web page] quick, scan, boot, stone
Uvavu (Scott Manley) 1996-03-19 [Web page] quick, scan, boot, stone
Uvavu (Scott Manley) 1996-03-19 [Web page] quick, scan, boot, stone
Uvavu (Scott Manley) 1996-03-19 [Web page] quick, scan, boot, stone
Uvavu V1.01 (Scott Manley) 1996-03-19 [Web page] boot, stone, stun, clear
Hyakutake Rising (Scott Manley) 1996-03-19 [Web page] pspace, boot, stone, stun, clear, paper
Hyakutake C/1996 B2 + (Scott Manley) 1996-03-19 [Web page] pspace, boot, stone, stun, clear, paper
Lithium (John K. Wilkinson) 1996-03-19 [post] boot, stone, stun, clear, gate
Uvavu (Scott Manley) 1996-03-19 [post, Web page] boot, stone, stun, clear
Uvavu (Scott Manley) 1996-03-19 [post] boot, stone, stun, clear
Uvavu P! (Scott Manley) 1996-03-19 [post, Web page] pspace, boot, stone, stun, clear, paper
You Wouln't Let It Lie! (Scott Manley) 1996-03-19 [post, Web page] pspace, boot, stone, stun, clear, paper
You Wouln't Let It Lie! V1.01 (Scott Manley) 1996-03-19 [post, Web page] pspace, boot, stone, stun, clear, paper
D'arko (Scott Manley) 1996-03-19 [post, Web page] pspace, boot, stone, stun, clear, paper
Uvavu II revistited (Scott Manley) 1996-03-19 [post, Web page] pspace, boot, stone, stun, clear, paper
Judge Nutmeg (Scott Manley) 1996-03-19 [post, Web page] pspace, boot, stone, stun, clear
C I A (Anders Ivner) 1996-03-18 [post, post] boot, stone, clear, stun, gate, other
quiz (Mike "Schitzo" Nonemacher) 1996-03-16 [post] boot, stone, scan, clear, stun, gate
Alien Kiss V1.1 (Björn Günzel) 1996-03-05 [post] stone, vamp, other, clear, gate, boot
Frontwards v2 (Steven Morrell) 1996-03-04 [Core Warrior 19] boot, scan, clear, gate
Auntie v1.0 (Ian Oversby) 1996-03-03 [post, Core Warrior 20] boot, scan, stun, clear
Hyakutake C/1996 B2 (Scott Manley) 1996-03-03 [post, Web page] pspace, boot, stone, stun, clear, paper
Time Lapse v0.8 (David Boeren) 1996-03-01 [post] boot, stone, clear, stun, gate
El Cheapo Scanner (David Boeren) 1996-03-01 [post] boot, scan, stun, clear, gate
test (Steven Morrell) 1996-03-01 [Steven's Page 2] imp, clear, boot
Torch t18 (Paul Kline) 1996-02-22 [post] boot, stone, stun, clear, gate
Wanderer v0.2 (Ian Oversby) 1996-02-22 [post] boot, stone, imp
Mason 2.0 (Robert Macrae) 1996-02-09 [post] pspace, boot, stone, stun
Koolaid II: WoGG v2.2 (David Boeren) 1996-01-22 [post, post] stone, stun, clear, boot
Impfinity v4g1 (Damien "Planar" Doligez) 1996-01-09 [Core Warrior 11] boot, imp, stone, clear
Derision (Myer R. Bremer) 1996-01-08 [post] boot, scan, stun, clear
Porch Swing + (Randy Graham) 1996-01-05 [post] boot, scan, stun, clear
Loh_tst_1.3 (Calvin Loh) 1995-12-31 [post] pspace, imp, scan, paper, stone, boot, stun, gate
Prova_e_Riprova (Maurizio Vittuari) 1995-12-30 [Core Warrior 10] scan, clear, stun, boot
Hard-rock v.7 (Mark Ratzburg) 1995-12-30 [post] boot, stone, clear
Clear Sighted v1 (JS Pulido) 1995-12-21 [post] quick, scan, boot, clear, stun
Chris (Steven Morrell) 1995-12-20 [NSFCWT round 9] boot, vamp, stun, clear
Nine (Paul Kline) 1995-12-20 [NSFCWT round 9] stone, boot, clear
finals: no time (Myer R. Bremer) 1995-12-20 [NSFCWT round 8] boot, scan, stun, clear
MSweep (Paul Kline) 1995-12-20 [NSFCWT round 8] clear, boot, stun, gate
Night Train 55440 (Karl Lewin) 1995-12-20 [NSFCWT round 8] paper, imp, boot
BlackMoor (Paul Kline) 1995-12-20 [NSFCWT round 7] boot, stone, pspace
Mister Bond (Derek Ross) 1995-12-20 [NSFCWT round 7] boot, clear, stun, gate, pspace
Settete (Maurizio Vittuari) 1995-12-20 [NSFCWT round 7] boot, clear, paper, stone, pspace, gate
Frontwards (Steven Morrell) 1995-12-20 [NSFCWT round 5, NSFCWT round 7] boot, scan, stun, clear
Juliet Storm+Spiral (John K. Wilkinson) 1995-12-20 [NSFCWT round 3] stone, boot, imp
Cthulhu v8 (John K. Wilkinson) 1995-12-20 [NSFCWT round 1] pspace, stone, boot, paper, clear
endpoint . (Myer R. Bremer) 1995-12-20 [NSFCWT round 1] pspace, stone, scan, clear, gate, boot, imp
Rhino (Beppe Bezzi) 1995-12-20 [NSFCWT round 1] paper, pspace, boot, stone, imp
Try fitting THIS name into eight characters or less! (Steven Morrell) 1995-12-20 [NSFCWT round 1] pspace, boot, imp, scan, stun
RingThing2 (Anders Ivner) 1995-12-18 [post, NSFCWT round 9] stone, imp, clear, boot
Armory - A5 (John K. Wilkinson) 1995-12-18 [Core Warrior 9] pspace, stone, imp, stun, boot, clear
Frontwards v2 (Steven Morrell) 1995-12-09 [post, NSFCWT round 8] boot, scan, stun, clear
Slayer (Randy Graham) 1995-12-05 [post, NSFCWT round 7] quick, vamp, stun, clear, pspace, boot, stone, paper, imp
run and hit (Beppe Bezzi) 1995-12-04 [Core Warrior 8, NSFCWT round 7] pspace, stone, vamp, stun, clear, paper, boot
Last Laugh (Robert Macrae) 1995-12-03 [post, NSFCWT round 7] vamp, clear, pspace, boot
Impfinity v3e7 (Damien "Planar" Doligez) 1995-11-28 [myself] boot, imp, stone, clear
Impfinity v3c11 (Damien "Planar" Doligez) 1995-11-28 [myself] boot, imp, stone
Taking Names (Paul Kline) 1995-11-28 [mail] boot, scan, stun, clear
Impfinity v3i (Damien "Planar" Doligez) 1995-11-27 [Core Warrior 7] boot, imp, stone, clear
juliet and paper (Beppe Bezzi, Myer R. Bremer) 1995-11-13 [Core Warrior 5] pspace, stone, paper, boot, gate, imp
Qtest04 (Beppe Bezzi) 1995-10-28 [posted by mistake] quick, scan, stone, boot, gate, clear
Aces (Randy Graham) 1995-10-27 [post, NSFCWT round 3] boot, clear
Eights (Randy Graham) 1995-10-27 [post, NSFCWT round 3] boot, stone
juliet storm (Myer R. Bremer) 1995-10-23 [Core Warrior 2, Core Warrior 6] stone, imp, boot
test jtm10a (Beppe Bezzi) 1995-10-12 [posts] pspace, paper, stone, boot, clear, gate, stun, imp
Agony II (Stefan Strack) 1995-10-09 [post, Core Warrior 4] scan, stun, clear, boot, gate
Jack in the box (Beppe Bezzi) 1995-10-03 [post, NSFCWT round 3] pspace, stone, paper, clear, boot
Leprechaun deluxe (Anders Ivner) 1995-10-02 [post] stone, scan, stun, clear, boot, gate
Brain Wash 11 (Beppe Bezzi) 1995-09-29 [post] pspace, stone, paper, boot, gate
Obvious (John K. Lewis) 1995-09-13 [posts] pspace, scan, stone, imp, boot, gate
Know your enemy (Beppe Bezzi) 1995-08-28 [post] pspace, stone, paper, clear, boot
Circle of Friends (Randy Graham) 1995-08-17 [post] pspace, imp, stone, scan, boot, stun, gate, clear
People (Randy Graham) 1995-08-17 [post] pspace, boot, imp, scan, stun, gate, clear, stone
juliet storm (Myer R. Bremer) 1995-07-13 [post] stone, imp, boot
Building Blocks (Randy Graham) 1995-06-14 [post] boot, stone, vamp, stun, clear
Non Plussed (Randy Graham) 1995-06-12 [post] boot, stone, clear, paper
Keystone (Paul Kline) 1995-04-07 [post] boot, stone, paper, imp
Fscan (Jay "Thierry" Han) 1995-03-03 [post] scan, stun, clear, boot, imp, stone
Qcmp-Hunter v0.5 (Randy Graham) 1995-02-28 [post] quick, scan, boot, stun, clear, gate
B-Panama X (Steven Morrell) 1994-10-13 [post] boot, stone, paper
Sweeper, v5 (Richard Hendricks) 1994-09-30 [post] boot, stone, imp, gate
Aeka (Ting Hsu) 1994-08-18 [The '94 Warrior 12] imp, stone, clear, gate, boot
Insight v1.0 (Brant D. Thomsen) 1994-07-08 [The '94 Warrior 10] stone, imp, boot, gate
Blue Funk (Steven Morrell) 1994-06-27 [post] stone, imp, boot
Blue Funk 3 (Steven Morrell) 1994-06-27 [post, Core Warrior 6] stone, imp, boot
Torch t5 (Paul Kline) 1994-06-21 [post] stone, stun, clear, gate, boot
Stimpy v2.0 (Brant D. Thomsen) 1994-06-18 [post] stone, scan, stun, clear, boot, gate
Torch t3 (Paul Kline) 1994-06-16 [post] stone, stun, clear, boot, gate
Keystone t33 (Paul Kline) 1994-06-15 [post] stone, boot, clear, gate
rock (James Layland) 1994-05-20 [EBS spring tournament 94 final] stone, boot
Riff (Steven Morrell) 1994-05-20 [EBS spring tournament 94 round 3] stone, boot
Tail of the Twister (Mike "Schitzo" Nonemacher) 1994-05-20 [EBS spring tournament 94 round 3] imp, stone, boot, clear, gate
Request v2.0 (Brant D. Thomsen) 1994-05-20 [EBS spring tournament 94 round 2] vamp, stun, boot, clear, gate
BigImps (James Layland) 1994-05-20 [EBS spring tournament 94 round 1] boot, imp, stone
Blue Funk (Steven Morrell) 1994-05-20 [EBS spring tournament 94 round 1] stone, imp, boot
Der Zweite Blitzkrieg - 94x (Mike "Schitzo" Nonemacher) 1994-05-20 [EBS spring tournament 94 round 1] stone, imp, clear, stun, boot
Bakers Dozen (Wayne Sheppard) 1994-05-20 [EBS spring tournament 94 round 1] imp, stone, boot
CG IV (Brant D. Thomsen) 1994-05-13 [mail] boot, other
Imperfection v3.1 (Michael Constant) 1994-04-19 [post] stone, imp, clear, boot
Request-55440 (Brant D. Thomsen) 1994-04-18 [The '94 Warrior 6] vamp, stun, boot, gate
B-Panama V (Steven Morrell) 1994-04-15 [post] stone, clear, paper, boot
Montage (Steven Morrell) 1994-04-04 [post] imp, stone, clear, boot, gate
CG-X IV (Brant D. Thomsen) 1994-03-23 [post] other, boot
Imperfection v1.0 X (Michael Constant) 1994-03-22 [post] stone, imp, boot, gate
Bloom (Jay "Thierry" Han) 1994-03-22 [post] clear, boot, gate
Cannonade (Paul Kline) 1994-03 [TCWN Winter 1994] boot, stone, clear, imp
Keystone t21 (Paul Kline) 1994-02-16 [post] stone, clear, imp, boot, gate
Cannonade (Paul Kline) 1994-02-05 [post] stone, imp, boot
SJ-4a (James Layland) 1994-02-02 [post] stone, scan, stun, clear, boot
.T.E.S.T. V0.1 (Pierre-Etienne Moreau, E. C.) 1994-01-28 [post] stone, stun, clear, gate, boot
Fast Food v2.1 (Brant D. Thomsen) 1993-12-31 [post] scan, vamp, stun, quick, boot, gate
Killer instinct (Anders Ivner) 1993-11-16 [post+mail] boot, scan, stone, paper
Vagabond (Paul Kline) 1993-11-05 [post] boot, paper, stone, clear
RotLD TNG 2 (Nándor Sieben) 1993-10-23 [MacpMars 0.2] boot, other
FlyPaper 3.0 (James Layland) 1993-10-18 [post] boot, scan, paper
Keystone t13 (Paul Kline) 1993-10-12 [post] stone, clear, gate, imp, boot
HeremPaper v0.9 (Anders Ivner) 1993-06-14 [EBS summer tournament 93] boot, stone, paper
Leprechaun 1b (Anders Ivner) 1993-06-14 [EBS summer tournament 93] boot, scan, stone, stun, clear
Emerald 4 (Paul Kline) 1993-06-14 [EBS summer tournament 93] boot, stone, clear, gate
Emerald 5 (Paul Kline) 1993-06-14 [EBS summer tournament 93] boot, stone, clear, gate
ImpsAreMyFriends (James Layland) 1993-06-14 [EBS summer tournament 93] boot, stone, imp
ImpsAreMyFriends 1.1 (James Layland) 1993-06-14 [EBS summer tournament 93] boot, stone, imp
Full moon (Dan Nabutovsky) 1993-06-14 [EBS summer tournament 93] stone, imp, boot
Snake (Wayne Sheppard) 1993-06-14 [EBS summer tournament 93] boot, vamp, stun, clear, imp
Snake7 (Wayne Sheppard) 1993-06-14 [EBS summer tournament 93] boot, vamp, stun, clear, imp
Chimera v3.5 (Mintardjo Wangsaw) 1993-06-14 [EBS summer tournament 93] boot, imp, vamp, stun, clear, gate
Sphinx v2.9 (Mintardjo Wangsaw) 1993-06-14 [EBS summer tournament 93] boot, imp, stone, clear, gate
Sphinx v4.7 (Mintardjo Wangsaw) 1993-06-14 [EBS summer tournament 93] boot, imp, stone, clear, gate
Sphinx v5.1 (Mintardjo Wangsaw) 1993-06-14 [EBS summer tournament 93] boot, imp, stone, clear, gate
Winter Werewolf 3 (Mintardjo Wangsaw) 1993-06-14 [EBS summer tournament 93] boot, stone, stun, clear, gate
FlyPaper 2.0 (James Layland) 1993-06-02 [post] boot, scan, paper
Fire Storm v1.1 (Mintardjo Wangsaw) 1993-05-20 [post] boot, stone, stun, clear
Agony 5.1 (Stefan Strack) 1993-05-15 [post] boot, scan, stun, clear, gate
Falling Leaf 1.21 (Matt Hastings) 1993-04-23 [Scott Adkins' warrior library] boot, vamp, stun, clear
Hellicon2 (Matt Hastings) 1993-04-23 [Scott Adkins' warrior library] boot, stone, paper
Proteus 3 (Matt Hastings) 1993-04-23 [Scott Adkins' warrior library] boot, stone, paper
RoadRunner D (S. Halvorsen) 1993-04-23 [Scott Adkins' warrior library] boot, clear
Smooth Noodle Map 6 (Matt Hastings) 1993-04-23 [Scott Adkins' warrior library] boot, stone, paper
Night Crawler III (Wayne Sheppard) 1993-04-16 [post] stone, imp, boot
Sphinx v2.8 (Mintardjo Wangsaw) 1993-03-08 [post] boot, stone, imp, clear, gate
Sucker 5 (Stefan Strack) 1993-03-04 [post] boot, vamp, stun, clear
Chimera v3.5 (Mintardjo Wangsaw) 1993-02-26 [post] boot, imp, vamp, stun, clear
Twilight Pits v6.0 (Mintardjo Wangsaw) 1993-02-26 [post] boot, vamp, stun, clear
Herem II (Anders Ivner) 1993-02-20 [post] stone, stun, clear, boot, gate
Smooth Noodle Map 6 (Matt Hastings) 1993-02? [TCWN Winter 1993] boot, stone, paper
Griffin 2 (Anders Ivner) 1992-11-26 [post] boot, scan, stun, clear, gate
Leprechaun 1b (Anders Ivner) 1992-11-26 [post] boot, scan, stone, stun, clear
Emerald 2 (Paul Kline) 1992-11-25 [post] boot, stone, gate
ExtraExtra 2 (Paul Kline) 1992-11-25 [post] boot, stone, gate
Emerald (Paul Kline) 1992-11-18 [post] boot, stone, clear, gate
Sucker 4 (Stefan Strack) 1992-10-21 [post] boot, vamp, stun, clear
Smooth Noodle Map, 4.1 (Matt Hastings) 1992-10? [TCWN Fall 1992] boot, stone, paper
BackFire 1.3c (Eric J. Schwertfeger) 1992-06-21 [post] boot, scan
Precipice (Matt Hastings) 1992-06-?? [post] boot, stone, clear, vamp, stun
Checker 5.4 (Kent Peterson) 1992-06-09 [post] boot, scan, stun
worm optima 2 (Campbell Fraser) 1992-06-?? [post] clear, boot
PitTrap v2.3a (Julius Cisek) 1992-04-30 [post] vamp, stun, boot
Tiny v1.2 (Julius Cisek) 1992-04-30 [post] stun, clear, gate, boot
Acid Rain 1.0 (James Jesensky) 1992-04-03 [post] imp, other, boot
UMACCP (Gabriele De Masi) 1989 [ICWS tournament 1989] quick, boot, stone, clear
HYPRAY (Francesco Botta) 1989 [ICWS tournament 1989] quick, scan, boot, clear, vamp, stun
KILI (Francesco Botta, Pieramato Gramenzi) 1989 [ICWS tournament 1989] quick, boot, stun, vamp, clear