Airbag Demo (David Moore) 2001-11-11 [post] clear, other
Hold still a minute...Thanks (Dave Hillis) 2001-04-06 [post] other, pspace, boot, scan, stone
Dying to Know /0 (Dave Hillis) 2001-04-06 [post] other, pspace
Dying to Know %0 (Dave Hillis) 2001-04-06 [post] other, pspace
DwarfBomb (Ben Snitkoff) 2001-04-06 [post] stone, boot, other
DwarfBomb (Ben Snitkoff) 2001-04-06 [post] stone, boot, other
DwarfBomb (v2) (Ben Snitkoff, Paul-Virak Khuong) 2001-04-06 [post] stone, boot, other
DwarfBomb (v2) (Ben Snitkoff, Christoph Birk) 2001-04-06 [post] stone, boot, other
Certain Abuse (Dave Hillis) 2001-02-19 [Core Warrior 79] quick, stone, other, pspace
Process Finder (David Moore) 2000-11-10 [Core Warrior 78] stone, other
Combatra (David Moore) 2000-11-10 [Core Warrior 78] quick, scan, clear, stone, pspace, other
Evolver 520 x 200 (YACE) 2000-09-18 [post] other
Splice 2000 (Morton) 2000-02-12 [post] other
The Shortest Worm (Lukasz Adamowski) 1999-11-30 [post] other
4-line Bomb Dodger (Josh Yeager) 1999-11-06 [post] other
Those Lovely Banananana-na dakrys (mjp) 1999-11-02 [post, post] clear, gate, other
Quick Thinking (Ben Ford) 1999-09-06 [post] quick, scan, stun, other
Starving Hacker (David Moore) 1999-09-05 [post] boot, scan, clear, other
Mine v0.3 (John K. Wilkinson) 1999-09-04 [post] stone, stun, scan, other, boot
Paper Clip 0.7 (Ransom Smith) 1999-08-05 [post] scan, other
confetti (Marshall) 1999-07-26 [post] other
Rodent (Marc Brooker) 1999-07-16 [post] stone, other
Genetic (Deathy) 1999-05-10 [post] other
Splitting Dummy (Robert Macrae) 1998-09-14 [post] other
2 (Chris Stubbs) 1998-08-05 [post] other
Swarm5 (WFB) 1998-06-25 [post] clear, other, stone, stun
Swarm6 (WFB) 1998-06-25 [post] clear, other, stone, stun
Swarm3 (WFB) 1998-06-14 [mail, post] clear, other
My Strat 2 (Ryan Coleman) 1998-05-31 [Ilmari's Mini-Tournament #1] other
Always Cooperate (Ryan Coleman) 1998-05-31 [Ilmari's Mini-Tournament #1] other
My Strat 3 (Ryan Coleman) 1998-05-31 [Ilmari's Mini-Tournament #1] other
SOS- I need help (Ryan Coleman) 1998-05-31 [Ilmari's Mini-Tournament #1] other
Type One Quantum Singularity (Philip Kendall) 1998-05-31 [Ilmari's Mini-Tournament #1] other
Type Two Quantum Singularity (Philip Kendall) 1998-05-31 [Ilmari's Mini-Tournament #1] other
Type Four Quantum Singularity (Philip Kendall) 1998-05-31 [Ilmari's Mini-Tournament #1] other
Modus Vivendi 5/10 (Robert Macrae) 1998-05-31 [Ilmari's Mini-Tournament #1] other
Altruist 2/3 (Robert Macrae) 1998-05-31 [Ilmari's Mini-Tournament #1] other
Modus Vivendi 3/20 (Robert Macrae) 1998-05-31 [Ilmari's Mini-Tournament #1] other
System D 2-12/20 (Robert Macrae) 1998-05-31 [Ilmari's Mini-Tournament #1] other
Fundamental I (John Metcalf) 1998-05-31 [Ilmari's Mini-Tournament #1] other
Fundamental II (John Metcalf) 1998-05-31 [Ilmari's Mini-Tournament #1] other
Fundamental III (John Metcalf) 1998-05-31 [Ilmari's Mini-Tournament #1] other
Fundamental IV (John Metcalf) 1998-05-31 [Ilmari's Mini-Tournament #1] other
Reinforcements v0.01a beta (David Moore) 1998-05-31 [Ilmari's Mini-Tournament #1] other
Variations 1 (M Joonas Pihlaja) 1998-05-31 [Ilmari's Mini-Tournament #1] other
Variations 4 (M Joonas Pihlaja) 1998-05-31 [Ilmari's Mini-Tournament #1] other
Freak (John K. Wilkinson) 1998-05-10 [post] scan, clear, gate, imp, other
Anti-Limb v9 (Ryan Coleman) 1998-05-07 [post] clear, other
loserdude (WFB) 1998-05-05 [post] other
meld (M Joonas Pihlaja) 1998-05-03 [post] pspace, scan, stun, clear, gate, other, stone, boot
Double (John K. Wilkinson) 1998-04-29 [Redcode Maniacs Tournament (round 9)] vamp, clear, imp, gate, boot, other
Bipolar (Damien "Planar" Doligez) 1998-04-29 [Redcode Maniacs Tournament (round 9)] quick, scan, clear, gate, paper, other
masterpiece (Zul Nadzri) 1998-04-29 [Redcode Maniacs Tournament (round 9)] other, boot, paper, stone, imp
Inphanticisism (Robert Macrae) 1998-04-29 [Redcode Maniacs Tournament (round 9)] clear, stun, scan, vamp, boot, other
Tim Tack (Paul Kline) 1998-04-29 [Redcode Maniacs Tournament (round 9)] scan, clear, other, boot, gate
Almost the Last One (Robert Macrae) 1998-04-29 [Redcode Maniacs Tournament (round 8)] boot, pspace, other, clear, stun, vamp, stone
Al's Cave (Paul Kline) 1998-04-29 [Redcode Maniacs Tournament (round 8)] pspace, stone, boot, scan, stun, clear, other, vamp
Recycled Bits-- (David Moore) 1998-04-29 [Redcode Maniacs Tournament (round 7)] scan, paper, other, stone, pspace, clear, gate, boot
Stone Killer 5.22 (John K. Wilkinson) 1998-04-29 [Redcode Maniacs Tournament (round 6)] pspace, clear, other, boot, gate, scan, stun
Paper :-) (Ian Oversby) 1998-04-29 [Redcode Maniacs Tournament (round 6)] pspace, other, boot, clear, gate, imp, scan
kill -9 (David Moore) 1998-04-29 [Redcode Maniacs Tournament (round 6)] other, boot, clear, gate
SnowDust (Paul Kline) 1998-04-29 [Redcode Maniacs Tournament (round 6)] scan, other, stone, clear, gate
Whatever (Ilmari Karonen) 1998-04-29 [Redcode Maniacs Tournament (round 6)] quick, scan, other, clear, gate, boot
Skittish (Robert Hale) 1998-04-29 [Redcode Maniacs Tournament (round 6)] other, boot, clear, gate
Best of the best (Compudemon) 1998-04-29 [Redcode Maniacs Tournament (round 6), Redcode Maniacs Tournament (round 7), Redcode Maniacs Tournament (round 8), Redcode Maniacs Tournament (round 9)] other, boot, clear, gate
dodger (Beppe Bezzi) 1998-04-29 [Redcode Maniacs Tournament (round 6)] other, boot, clear, gate
Beanbag (Paul Kline) 1998-04-29 [Redcode Maniacs Tournament (round 2)] pspace, boot, other, stone, imp, paper
archangel (John K. Lewis) 1998-04-29 [Redcode Maniacs Tournament (round 1)] other, clear, paper, imp, boot, gate, scan
Knightmare (Robert Hale) 1998-04-29 [Redcode Maniacs Tournament (round 1)] pspace, boot, scan, stun, clear, gate, other
Time Lag (Ilmari Karonen) 1998-04-07 [post] scan, stun, other, clear
TottiatwaE (John K. Wilkinson) 1998-04-05 [post] scan, stun, clear, other
Fern 1c (Ilmari Karonen) 1998-02-23 [Anton's Tournament round 3] other
PStars v1.0 (Philipp Offermann) 1998-02-23 [Anton's Tournament round 3] other
Life (Philip Kendall) 1998-02-23 [Anton's Tournament round 3] other
fireworks (Brian Haskin) 1998-02-23 [Anton's Tournament round 3] other
Head Basher (Brian Haskin) 1998-02-23 [Anton's Tournament round 2] clear, pspace, other, boot
Rush (11,1) (System 4) 1998-02-14 [mail] other
Aikido.beta (John K. Lewis) 1997-09-30 [post] clear, boot, stone, other
CLP (Paul Kline) 1997-09-25 [post] other, boot, vamp
Seaside sort (Brian Haskin) 1997-07-12 [post, Anton's Tournament round 1] other
The Bloodhound (Ian Sutton) 1997-04-07 [post] scan, stun, boot, other
Warrior #699 (Evolution) 1997-03-06 [post] clear, other
Warrior #112 / Generation #11 (Evolution) 1997-03-06 [post] other
Rusty v1 (John K. Lewis) 1997-01-30 [mail, Redcode Maniacs Tournament (round 3)] scan, other
Judgement Day (Philip Kendall) 1996-12-09 [Beppe's tournament rounds 6,7,8] pspace, other, scan, clear, gate, boot
Dodger (Myer R. Bremer) 1996-12-09 [Beppe's tournament round 5] scan, clear, other
cunning mushroom (Björn Günzel) 1996-12-09 [Beppe's tournament round 3] boot, scan, other, clear
Mrs Di (Björn Günzel) 1996-10-25 [post] scan, imp, stone, other, boot
Tiny-P (harleyQ2) 1996-09-13 [post] pspace, imp, other
saint (John K. Lewis) 1996-08-23 [post] other
Euclid's Algorithm (Steven Morrell) 1996-06-27 [post] other
Mod Thingy (Steven Morrell) 1996-06-27 [post] other
Flurry (Anton Marsden) 1996-05-27 [Core Warrior 31] quick, scan, stone, other, paper, pspace, gate, clear
Cheater 2.0 (Nathan Green) 1996-05-22 [post] other
Wind-up Toy v0.4 (Ian Oversby) 1996-04-16 [post] pspace, scan, stone, other, clear, boot, gate, stun
Loser 2 (Kurt Franke) 1996-04-10 [post] other
Storm Shelter 5 (John K. Wilkinson) 1996-04-04 [post] scan, clear, other
ImpClear (Björn Günzel) 1996-04-03 [post] imp, other
loser 1 (Anders Ivner) 1996-04-03 [post] other
Gem of the Ocean (Paul Kline) 1996-04-02 [post] pspace, stone, clear, stun, boot, other, paper
CopyKatQ2.txt (harleyQ2) 1996-03-26 [post] other
Test 1 887 (Steve Bailey) 1996-03-24 [Steve's Guide for Beginners 12] other
Test 2 872 (Steve Bailey) 1996-03-24 [Steve's Guide for Beginners 12] other
Tonto 3 (Steve Bailey) 1996-03-24 [Steve's Guide for Beginners 12, mail] other
myConfuser (Magnus Paulsson) 1996-03-23 [post, Beppe's tournament round 1] scan, stone, paper, vamp, other, clear, gate, stun
System Trap (Kurt Franke) 1996-03-22 [post] scan, vamp, other, paper, clear, stun, pspace, boot
Killer (John K. Wilkinson) 1996-03-19 [post] other
Killer (David Boeren) 1996-03-19 [post] other
Killer (Ian Oversby) 1996-03-19 [post] other
handshake (Anders Ivner) 1996-03-18 [post] pspace, other
C I A (Anders Ivner) 1996-03-18 [post, post] boot, stone, clear, stun, gate, other
Socrates (Kurt Franke) 1996-03-11 [Core Warrior 20] pspace, other
Ape (Calvin Loh) 1996-03-09 [post] stone, other, imp, gate
viralOS (Brian Haskin) 1996-03-08 [post] scan, other
Alien Kiss V1.1 (Björn Günzel) 1996-03-05 [post] stone, vamp, other, clear, gate, boot
Clisson Lite (Paul Kline) 1996-03-04 [post] pspace, stone, paper, imp, clear, other
A-Cluster v2.06 (Iain Hogg) 1996-02-28 [post] clear, other
RedOS (John K. Lewis) 1996-02-19 [post, Core Warrior 17] other
Copy2 (Steve Bailey) 1996-02-08 [Steve's Guide for Beginners 08] other
Copy (Steve Bailey) 1996-02-07 [Steve's Guide for Beginners 07] other
Basic Mulberry (Ansel Greenwood Sermersheim) 1996-02-07 [post] other
Useless (Steve Bailey) 1996-01-29 [Steve's Guide for Beginners 02] other
Loser (Kurt Franke) 1996-01-24 [post] other
Loser (Damien "Planar" Doligez) 1996-01-24 [post] other
0 for 100 v4 (John K. Wilkinson) 1996-01-24 [post] other
0 for 100 (John K. Wilkinson) 1996-01-23 [post] other
Miss Impertinent (Derek Ross) 1995-12-20 [NSFCWT round 9] imp, other
Tim (George Eadon) 1995-12-20 [NSFCWT round 7] other, imp
Mister Neat (Derek Ross) 1995-12-20 [NSFCWT round 3] stun, other, clear
Claudia incarnation0.3 (Anders Scholl) 1995-12-20 [NSFCWT round 3] gate, other
Lestat incarnation0.2 (Anders Scholl) 1995-12-20 [NSFCWT round 3] scan, vamp, stun, other
twoOFaKIND (Magnus Paulsson) 1995-12-20 [NSFCWT round 2] scan, clear, other
Scorekeeper (Steven Morrell) 1995-12-09 [Steven's Page 1, post] pspace, other
Euclid's extended 3 (Damien "Planar" Doligez) 1995-12-08 [post] other
Euclid's extended 2 (Damien "Planar" Doligez) 1995-12-08 [post] other
Euclid's extended (Damien "Planar" Doligez) 1995-12-04 [Core Warrior 8] other
Victory or death (Anders Ivner) 1995-12-02 [post, NSFCWT round 7] pspace, vamp, stun, other
Mulberry 1.3 (Ansel Greenwood Sermersheim) 1995-11-28 [post] other
Neuromancer (Myer R. Bremer) 1995-11-20 [NSFCWT round 6] other
PlinySwitch - 2990 (George Eadon) 1995-11-20 [NSFCWT round 6] other
Maverick (Randy Graham) 1995-11-20 [NSFCWT round 6] other
Blizzard (Anders Ivner) 1995-11-20 [NSFCWT round 6] other
Round 6 Kline (Paul Kline) 1995-11-20 [NSFCWT round 6] other
The Thinker (w/Handshake) (Karl Lewin) 1995-11-20 [NSFCWT round 6] other
Paranoid (Calvin Loh) 1995-11-20 [NSFCWT round 6] other
Psst (Robert Macrae) 1995-11-20 [NSFCWT round 6] other
Winner (Steven Morrell) 1995-11-20 [NSFCWT round 6] other
?{whateverCT#$~S|[]~+'i"Ycc } (Magnus Paulsson) 1995-11-20 [NSFCWT round 6] other
Miss Playful (Derek Ross) 1995-11-20 [NSFCWT round 6] other
Machiavelli (Maurizio Vittuari) 1995-11-20 [NSFCWT round 6, post] other
WhileAway (John K. Wilkinson) 1995-11-20 [NSFCWT round 6] other
Bim bum bam (Beppe Bezzi) 1995-11-19 [post, NSFCWT round 6] other
The Thinker (w/o handshake) (Karl Lewin) 1995-11-19 [post, NSFCWT round 6] other
Test for Timeouts (Karl Lewin) 1995-11-14 [post, NSFCWT round 6] other
BackImp ((unknown)) 1995-11-12 [] other
Paper-Scissors-Stone #1 to 10 (Nándor Sieben, Stefan Strack) 1995-11-08 [post, NSFCWT round 6] other
test (Paul Kline) 1995-11-07 [post] other
Consort (Randy Graham) 1995-10-31 [post] other
White warrior (Nándor Sieben, Stefan Strack) 1995-10-13 [NSFCWT round 2] other
Body-Snatcher3 (Calvin Loh) 1995-10-13 [post] other
Radar-X (Peter Young) 1995-09-26 [post] other
Agony Killer (John K. Lewis) 1995-09-19 [post] other
P-space demo (Stefan Strack) 1995-08-06 [pMARS 0.8.0] other
bunker t3 (Paul Kline) 1995-04-25 [post] other
Mutual-repairing pair (Paul Kline) 1995-04-25 [post] other
QuickFreeze v1.5 (Paul Kline) 1995-03-11 [post] quick, scan, paper, other
reverse imp (Kevin Deitchman) 1995-03-07 [post] other
Bunker t3 (Paul Kline) 1994-08-30 [post] clear, other
RotLD TNG (Nándor Sieben) 1994-08-16 [MacpMARS 1.0] other, gate
One-line DJN (James Layland) 1994-06-16 [post] other
W0078V00 (RC94 Evolver v2) 1994-06-15 [post] other
scratchers (Nándor Sieben) 1994-06-08 [mail] other
CG-X V (Brant D. Thomsen) 1994-05-20 [EBS spring tournament 94 round 3] other
Wuss (Kenneth D. Miller) 1994-05-16 [post] other, gate
CG IV (Brant D. Thomsen) 1994-05-13 [mail] boot, other
G050W071 (RC94 Evolver) 1994-05-12 [post] other
G007W008 (RC94 Evolver) 1994-05-11 [RC94 evolver] other
G007W059 (RC94 Evolver) 1994-05-11 [RC94 evolver] other
G008W028 (RC94 Evolver) 1994-05-11 [RC94 evolver] other
G008W041 (RC94 Evolver) 1994-05-11 [RC94 evolver] other
Banana Split v1.4 (Frank J. T. Wojcik) 1994-04-22 [post] stone, other, gate
Redcoder Title (Alex MacAulay) 1994-04-10 [Redcoder 2.0] other
CG-X IV (Brant D. Thomsen) 1994-03-23 [post] other, boot
Astro Geminion 3p (Mintardjo Wangsaw) 1994-03-03 [post] other
Froggy (Carl Laurence Gonsalves) 1994-02-19 [post] other
dead end (Nándor Sieben) 1994-02-18 [mars88, Beppe's tournament round 3] other
sizer (Stefan Strack) 1994-02-01 [post] other
Smartbomber (Gil Richard) 1994-01-21 [post] scan, other, stone, stun
Bomb Finder 2.0 (Devin Kilminster) 1993-11-16 [post] scan, other
bunker (Paul Kline) 1993-11-16 [post] clear, other
bunker (Paul Kline) 1993-11-15 [post] clear, other
No Challenge (Michael Constant) 1993-11-14 [MNCWT round 1] scan, other
Smite White (Paul Kline) 1993-11-14 [MNCWT round 1] scan, other
Four Eyes (Alex MacAulay) 1993-11-14 [MNCWT round 1] other, clear
round1 (Nándor Sieben) 1993-11-14 [MNCWT round 1] other, clear
Lookout (Wayne Sheppard) 1993-11-14 [MNCWT round 1] scan, other, clear
Niche 1.0 (Bill Shubert) 1993-11-14 [MNCWT round 1] scan, other
BackTrack 7 (Stefan Strack) 1993-11-14 [MNCWT round 1] scan, other, clear
Safe v2.0 (Marcus Williams) 1993-11-14 [MNCWT round 1] scan, other, clear
Validate 1.1R (Stefan Strack) 1993-11-02 [posts] other
Sieve of Arisztotenesz (Nándor Sieben) 1993-10-29 [post] other
Sieve of Aristostenes (sp?) (Stefan Strack) 1993-10-25 [post] other
RotLD TNG 2 (Nándor Sieben) 1993-10-23 [MacpMars 0.2] boot, other
CG II (Brant D. Thomsen) 1993-10-12 [post] other
Hydra (Stephen Linhart) 1993-08-02 [post] stone, stun, other, gate
GCD (James Layland) 1993-06-25 [post] other
Flail (Pi Qan) 1993-06-14 [EBS summer tournament 93] clear, other
Homunculus (Pi Qan) 1993-06-14 [EBS summer tournament 93] other
No.7 (Stefan Strack) 1993-06-14 [EBS summer tournament 93] other, stone
Fortress 1.1 (Malcolm Ryan) 1993-05-20 [post] stone, other, gate
Deep Green Sea (Pierre Baillargeon) 1993-04-23 [Scott Adkins' warrior library] stone, stun, other
Ghost (Pierre Baillargeon) 1993-04-23 [Scott Adkins' warrior library] other, clear
Auto v1.0 (Peter Olcott) 1993-04-23 [Scott Adkins' warrior library] stone, other
Bacteria (Scott Adkins) 1993-04-23 [Scott Adkins' warrior library] paper, other, stone
DIME (Stefan Hänßgen) 1993-04-23 [Scott Adkins' warrior library] other
Fleas2 (Kevin Whyte) 1993-04-23 [Scott Adkins' warrior library] other
Gnat2a (Steve Newman) 1993-04-23 [Scott Adkins' warrior library] other, gate
havoc ((unknown)) 1993-04-23 [Scott Adkins' warrior library] other
Hunter 1.0 (Rob Shultz) 1993-04-23 [Scott Adkins' warrior library] other
Locusts 2.1 (Stefan Strack) 1993-04-23 [Scott Adkins' warrior library] scan, stone, other
Paratroops v1.2 (Mintardjo Wangsaw) 1993-04-23 [Scott Adkins' warrior library] scan, clear, other
runner KOTH.1 experimental (Campbell Fraser) 1993-04-23 [Scott Adkins' warrior library] other
Signal-gun 1.1 (James Jesensky) 1993-04-23 [Scott Adkins' warrior library] other
tamper (Michael Nidd, John (unknown)) 1993-04-23 [Scott Adkins' warrior library] other
Try Number Five (James Burke) 1993-04-23 [Scott Adkins' warrior library] other
UltraSlick (Ray Cromwell) 1993-04-23 [Scott Adkins' warrior library] stone, stun, other
XDwarfer (Adam Caldwell) 1993-04-23 [Scott Adkins' warrior library] stone, stun, other, clear
No ties allowed (Wayne Sheppard) 1993-04-15 [post, post] stone, other
Validate 1.0R (Stefan Strack) 1993-04-10 [post] other
Eloquent (Paul Kline) 1993-02-25 [post] paper, other
Antivamp (Paul Kline) 1993-02-11 [post] clear, other
QC#5, Problem #1 Solution (Mark A. Durham) 1993-02? [TCWN Winter 1993] stone, other
Sonic Boom 1.30 (Eric J. Schwertfeger) 1992-11-18 [post] stone, stun, other
Hopper (William Hamaker) 1992-10? [TCWN Fall 1992] other
Hopper2 (William Hamaker) 1992-10? [TCWN Fall 1992] other
Flea (William Hamaker) 1992-10? [TCWN Fall 1992] other
QC#5 Problem 2 (Mark A. Durham) 1992-07? [TCWN Summer 1992] stone, other
garlic (Stefan Strack) 1992-06-22 [post] other, clear
Spider 2.0 (Bill Shubert) 1992-06-19 [post] other, stun, clear
return of the living dead (Nándor Sieben) 1992-06-?? [posts] other
THE ACME TRAP COMPANY (Campbell Fraser) 1992-06-?? [post] stone, imp, other
Hide 'n' Seek (Warren Kurt von Roeschlaub) 1992-05-29 [post] paper, other
Spider 1.1 (Bill Shubert) 1992-05-27 [post] other, stun, clear
Spreader 2.0 (Scott Adkins) 1992-05-11 [post] other
CHAOS (Kenneth D. Miller) 1992-05-09 [post] other
Leaper-X 4.0 (Jeff Raven) 1992-05-08 [post] other, stun
Lichen 1988 (Scott Nelson) 1992-05-06 [post] other
Shoggoth 1.1 (Bill Shubert) 1992-05-06 [post] other
MinJump (Pierre Baillargeon) 1992-05-05 [post] other
Juggernaut (Scott Nelson) 1992-05-04 [post] stun, other
Overload 1.1 (Jeff Raven) 1992-05-04 [post] scan, other
Eru (The Chosen) (Rob Shultz) 1992-05-04 [post] imp, other
ProtonDance-X (Julius Cisek) 1992-04-30 [post] other
multidwarf (Vincent Li) 1992-04-30 [post] stone, other
Acid Rain 1.0 (James Jesensky) 1992-04-03 [post] imp, other, boot
ramscoop-x (Stefan Strack) 1992-03-02 [post] imp, gate, other
Echo (Corey Lynn Nelson) 1992-02-15 [post] clear, other
Signal 1.1 (James Jesensky) 1992-02-12 [post] other
Dwarfer II (Scott Adkins) 1992-02-11 [post] stone, other, clear
ARMY (Neil Robertson) 1992-02-04 [post] stone, other
MUTAGEN /PAR (Stefan Strack) 1992-02-03 [post] other
Sleepless (Paul Svensson) 1992-02-03 [post] clear, other
Dwarfer (Scott Adkins) 1992-01-13 [post] stone, other
Virus (Scott Adkins) 1992-01-13 [post] paper, stone, other
dodgem6 (Steve Newman) 1992-01-13 [post] stone, other
Fleas (Kevin Whyte) 1992-01-13 [post] other
Big-raidar ((unknown)) 1991-11-22 [misc-86 archive on] other
COMMANDO (A. K. Dewdney, Jon Blow) 1991-11-22 [misc-86 archive on] gate, imp, other
dwarfgun (Choon Piaw) 1991-11-22 [misc-86 archive on] stone, other, gate
HOSER ((unknown)) 1991-11-22 [misc-86 archive on] other
RAIDAR ((unknown)) 1991-11-22 [misc-86 archive on] other
TARGET ((unknown)) 1991-11-22 [misc-86 archive on] other
VOTER (Michael Mauldin) 1991-05-21 [Jon Blow's corewar for X11] other
NULL ((unknown)) 1990-06-12 [Core! 1.01] other
GEMINI CANNON ((unknown), Jon Newman) 1990-06-12 [Core! 1.01] other
GEMINI ((unknown), Jon Newman) 1990-06-12 [Core! 1.01] other
Divers (Matthew Skala) 1990 [ICWS tournament 1990] stone, other
DoubleStormII (Matthew J. Chung) 1990 [ICWS tournament 1990] clear, other, stone
Gato (Cristobal Jimenez Lopez) 1990 [ICWS tournament 1990] scan, vamp, stun, other
C10n642 (John R. Perry) 1990 [Core! 1.1] other
TANK (Detlef Bunk) 1989 [ICWS tournament 1989] paper, other
SAD (Christoph Doederlein) 1989 [ICWS tournament 1989] scan, other
Quarter (Stefan Hänßgen) 1989 [ICWS tournament 1989, post] stone, other
Quarter II (Stefan Hänßgen) 1989 [ICWS tournament 1989] stone, other
Killer 2 (ThM) 1989 [ICWS tournament 1989] imp, other
Bit Storm (Steve Bonner) 1989 [ICWS tournament 1989, Core! 1.01] other
OGRE ((unknown)) 1988-05-11 [Chan, Collins, and Hofmeister's mars] stone, other
GEMINI ((unknown)) 1988-05-11 [Chan, Collins, and Hofmeister's mars] other
cerebus ((unknown)) 1988-05-11 [Chan, Collins, and Hofmeister's mars] imp, other
gemini cannon ((unknown)) 1988-05-11 [Chan, Collins, and Hofmeister's mars] other
people ((unknown)) 1988-05-11 [Chan, Collins, and Hofmeister's mars] other
W.H.Imp (Wilmard Halfed) 1988-05-11 [Chan, Collins, and Hofmeister's mars] other
Mule DNA (Douglas McDaniels) 1988 [ICWS tournament 1987 or 1988] scan, stun, clear, other
Wipe 5 ((unknown)) 1988 [ICWS tournament 1987 or 1988] scan, stun, other
Cowboy (Eugene P. Lilitko) 1988 [ICWS tournament 1987 or 1988, post] vamp, stun, other
Dr. Death (A. K. Dewdney) 1988 [ICWS tournament 1987 or 1988] gate, stone, other
Dude (John R. Perry) 1988 [ICWS tournament 1987 or 1988] other, gate
Mule DNA [short] (Douglas McDaniels) 1988 [ICWS tournament 1987 or 1988, Core! 1.1] scan, stun, clear, other
Wasp Nest (Alexander Burtzev) 1988 [ICWS tournament 1987 or 1988] other, clear
elf (Eiji Kako) 1987-09-12 [Web page] other
LinCoGs (Mark A. Durham) 1987 [ICWS tournament 1987 or 1988] other
MINIDSPR (Jon Newman) 1987 [ICWS tournament 1987 or 1988] clear, other
OGRE (John K. Lewis) 1987 [ICWS tournament 1987 or 1988] stone, other, imp
PHAGE (Norio Suzuki) 1987 [ICWS tournament 1987 or 1988] other
SPLAT (R. Paludan) 1987 [ICWS tournament 1987 or 1988] scan, other
VAMPSPRD (Jon Newman) 1987 [ICWS tournament 1987 or 1988] other, vamp, clear
Gemini (A. K. Dewdney) 1984-05 [Scientific American] other
Juggernaut (A. K. Dewdney) 1984-05 [Scientific American] other