We performed experiments on a 200Mhz Pentium-Pro PC, taking a few benchmarks as a set of sensible join programs: fib is computing fib(27) using synchronous channels, afib is computing fib(20) using asynchronous channels and continuation-passing style, pat tests pattern-matching, qsort sorts a one-hundred elements list (lists are encoded as lists of messages), while count increments the counter of section 5.1 100000 times. We compared the join, jocaml compilers and another join implementation from the University of Bologna [12]. Note that we cannot offer a full analysis of these performance figures at the moment, however such data can be useful to other developers (the benchmarks are available at http://join.inria.fr/speed/).
fib afib pat qsort count join 32.0 14.5 37.2 9.9 16.4 jocaml 5.7 3.5 5.4 1.4 4.2 Bologna 11.9 6.2 9.4 16.8 5.3