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Main series: variation on systematic tests

This series is built by applying systematic variations to the systematic tests used for testing our Power model. Those tests are plain tests in the sense they feature plain loads and stores.

We generated the all possible atomic variations of these plain tests, with at least a load-reserve or a load-reserve/store-conditional sequence in place of plain accesses. For a read we use fetch and no-op (FNO), and for a write fetch and store (STA) constructs — see p. 715 in Power ISA. Both FNO and STA read a value with a load-reserve, then the FNO writes back the same value with a store-conditional, while the STA writes a predefined different value with its store-conditional. Note that we cannot map a write to a store-conditional alone, because the store-conditional needs a program-order previous load-reserve to succeed. They are wrapped in loops, though in practice in our model tool we unroll the loops once.

Some2 of the 12499 tests of this series are presented first by increasing number of edges in them, and then by conventional family name. Some additional information can be found in section on the MP family.

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