Module JoinProc

module JoinProc: sig .. end
Convenience functions for forking Unix commands.

All functions provided by this module fork commands given in the style of the Unix.execvp function. That is, a command is a program name plus an array of command line arguments and the program name is searched in path.
See also Unix.execvp.

The functions provided by this module return the pid of the child process that executes the program, plus some I/O channels, exactly which ones depends on the function.

The functions of module JoinProc are to be used in place of the homonymous ones of module Unix, which are not thread safe.

val command : string -> string array -> int
command prog args executes program prog with arguments args in a child process. Standard channels stdin, stdout, and stderr are the ones of the parent process
val open_in : string -> string array -> int * in_channel
Same as JoinProc.command above, except that the forked process standard output is redirected to a pipe, which can be read via the returned input channel.
val open_out : string -> string array -> int * out_channel
Same as JoinProc.command above, except that the forked process standard input is redirected to a pipe, which can be written to via the returned output channel.
val open_in_out : string ->
string array -> int * (in_channel * out_channel)
Redirects both standard output and input of the forked command to pipes. Returns pid,(outch,inch), where outch is for reading the forked command standard output, and inch is for writing the forked command standard input
val open_full : string ->
string array ->
int *
(in_channel * out_channel * in_channel)
Redirects all three standard channels of the forked command to pipes. Returns pid,(outch,inch,errch), where outch and errch permit reading the forked command standard output and standard error respectively, while inch permits writing on the forked command standard input.