smaller files, using the companion program \hacha. \latexsection{Cutting your document into pieces with \hacha{}} \label{hacha} cut into pieces at various sectional units by {\hacha} \texttt{\# hacha }\filename{mydoc}\texttt{.html} \texttt{\# hacha -o root.html }\filename{mydoc}\texttt{.html} \hacha{}. begining and end of every page generated by \hacha{}. It suffices to \hacha{} also makes every page it generates a clone of its input as \hacha{} behavior can be altered from the document source, by using {\hacha} recognizes all sectional units, ordered as follows, from At document start, the root file and the output file are {\hacha} These comments then act as instructions to {\hacha}. In this section we show how to alter some details of \hacha{} When invoked as \texttt{hacha \textit{doc}.html}, \hacha{} produces a \texttt{index.html} table of links file that When \hacha{} creates a web page from a given sectional unit, ``Cutting your document into pieces with \hacha''. ``\hevea{} Manual: Cutting your document into pieces with \hacha'' The command \verb+\toplinks{+\textit{prev}\verb+}{+\textit{up}\verb+}{+\textit{next}\verb+}+ instructs \hacha{} to put links to a \hevea{} and \hacha{}. \hacha{}, since both header and footer are replicated at the start and end of any file generated by \hacha. If the document is then cut into smaller files by \hacha{} (see section~\ref{hacha}) footnotes may go to a separate file. \renewcommand{\thechapter}{\Alph{chapter}} \subsection*{\aname{no:number}{Use \hacha{}}} \addcontentsline{toc}{subsection}{\ahrefloc{no:number}{Use \hacha{}}} \subsection*{\aname{no:number}{Use \hacha{}}} \addcontentsline{toc}{subsection}{\ahrefloc{no:number}{Use \hacha{}}} A later run of {\hacha} on \hevea{} output file splits it argument. Section~\ref{hacha} explains how to control {\hacha}. \subsection{\hacha{} usage} \index{hacha@\texttt{hacha} command} The \texttt{hacha} command interprets its argument \item[{\tt -o} {\it filename}] Make \hacha{} output go into file \noindent Section~\ref{hacha} of the user manual explains how to alter \hacha{} default behavior. Then, \texttt{hacha} cuts \texttt{doc.html} into several, HACHA=hacha \texttt{doc002.html}, etc. files produced by \texttt{hacha}. HACHA=hacha The programs \commandname{hevea} and \commandname{hacha} are written in whereas \hacha{} can cut the output of \hevea{} into several files.