Langages et Compilation
Kozen, Automata and Computability, Springer, 1997.
- Hopcroft-Ullman, Formal languages and their Relation to Automata,
Addison Wesley, 1969
- Aho-Ullman. The Theory of Parsing, Translation, and Compiling,
volume 1 et 2: Parsing. Prentice-Hall, 1972.
- Aho, Sethi, Ullman, Compilers: Principle, Techniques, and Tools,
Addison Wesley, 1986
- Appel
Modern Compiler Implementation in Java, Cambridge University
Press, 1997
- Sethi, Programming Languages: Concepts and Constructs, Addison-Wesley,
Wilhelm, Maurer,
Compiler Design, Addison Wesley, 1995
Cours électroniques
- Le cours Programming
Languages and Compilers d'Alex Aiken à Berkeley.
- Le cours Modern
Compiler Implementation d'Andrew Appel à Princeton.
- Weis et
Leroy, Le langage Caml, InterÉditions, 1993.
- Cousineau et Mauny. Approche fonctionnelle de la programmation,
Ediscience international, 1995.
- Accart Hardin and Donzeau-Gouge Viguié. Concepts et outils
de programmation. InterÉditions, 1992.
- Ullman. Elements of ML Programming. Prentice Hall, 1994.
Paulson, ML for the working programmer, Cambridge University
Press, 1991.
Structure and interpretation of computer programs,
MIT press, 1985 (le merveilleux cours de programmation du MIT en Scheme).
- Kane, Mips, Risc Architecture, Prentice Hall, 1987.
- Hennessy-Patterson, Computer Architecture, A quantitative
approach, Morgan-Kaufmann, 1990.