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[[BGHP97]] Andrew Barber, Philippa Gardner, Masahito Hasegawa, and Gordon Plotkin.
From action calculi to linear logic,.
In Proceedings of CSL 97, Aarhus, 1997.

[[Gar98]] Philippa Gardner.
Closed action calculi.
Theoretical Computer Science, 1998.
To appear.

[[GH97]] Philippa Gardner and Masahito Hasegawa.
Types and models in higher-order action calculi.
In Proceedings of TACS 97, Sendai, Japan, 1997.

[[Jen98]] Ole Høgh Jensen.
PhD thesis, University of Cambridge.
Forthcoming, 1998.

[[PT97]] Benjamin C. Pierce and David N. Turner.
Pict: A programming language based on the pi-calculus.
Technical Report CSCI 476, Computer Science Department, Indiana University, 1997.
To appear in Proof, Language and Interaction: Essays in Honour of Robin Milner, Gordon Plotkin, Colin Stirling, and Mads Tofte, editors, MIT Press.

[[Sew97a]] Peter Sewell.
Global/local subtyping for a distributed $\pi$-calculus.
Technical Report 435, Computer Laboratory, University of Cambridge, August 1997.
Available from

[[Sew97b]] Peter Sewell.
Nonaxiomatisability of equivalences over finite state processes.
Annals of Pure and Applied Logic, 1997.
To appear.

[[Sew97c]] Peter Sewell.
On implementations and semantics of a concurrent programming language.
In Proceedings of CONCUR '97. LNCS 1243, pages 391-405. Springer-Verlag, 1997.

[[SWP97]] Peter Sewell, Pawe\l 
 T. Wojciechowski, and Benjamin C. Pierce.
Location independence for mobile agents.
Submitted for publication, 1997.

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