;redcode-94 ;name Cleaver/75 ;author Wayne Sheppard ;strategy .75c bomber/scanner with active imp scan ;strategy mod10 equ -70 starta equ hit-1+mod10 startb equ starta+mod10*2 irun equ loc-15 ;hit here hit mov bomb,*loc ;not in main loop, executed only when mod doesnt find imp mov bomb,@loc loc mov starta,@startb sub s,loc jmz.f -3,*loc ;check a-pointer mod i127,*loc ;see if multiple of 127 jmn.f hit,*loc ;if not, bomb it and continue bombing jmp scc ;jump to SpiralCC i127 dat 127,127 dat 0 ;hit here scc add.x {loc,*loc ;get impnumber into A mov *loc,scc ;move increment to where I can use it jmn.f 0,{loc ;back up to start of imp mov s,*loc ;spiral SPL add scc,loc djn -2,#400 s spl #mod10*3,