;redcode-icws ;name Agony T ;author Stefan Strack ;strategy Small-interval CMP scanner that bombs with a SPL 0 carpet. ;strategy 2.0: smaller ;strategy 2.1: larger, but should tie less; changed scan constants ;strategy 2.2a: smaller ;strategy 2.3a: mutagenizes core ;strategy 2.4: smaller CMP interval, spends less time bombing ;strategy 2.4b: mutagenize constant optimized ;strategy 3.0: long scan with anti-imp constants (a la Charon v8.0+) ;strategy 3.1: zero bfield bombs again: more robust ;strategy T: version 8192 core (ICWST'94) ;strategy Submitted: @date@ CDIST equ 12 IVAL equ 25 FIRST equ (scan+OFFSET+IVAL) OFFSET equ (12*IVAL) DJNOFF equ 7437 scan sub incr,comp comp cmp FIRST-CDIST, FIRST slt #incr-comp+CDIST+(bptr-comp)+1,comp djn scan,