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Revolutionary Fat Burning System o gskmsu

I've Got An Incredible Story to Tell You About How I Finally Got Healthy, Clean and Lean...

After a Lifetime of Trying to Lose Weight!
Dear Friend of Chicken Soup for the Soul...

You probably know my good friend John Gray from his best-selling books, Men Are From Mars, Women Are From Venus...Mars and Venus On a Date...and The Mars & Venus Diet & Exercise Solution. Well, recently , John introduced me to a new way of healthy living that I immediately benefited from -- and that I want to share with you today.

If you've ever met me in person, you know that, for years, I carried around an extra 20-30 pounds. I wasn't happy about it. In fact, I tried everything to get rid of it. Prepackaged meals. Exercising like crazy. Even special diets. Nothing worked.

At the time, I thought I was simply battling middle-age spread and way too many meals on the road. Perhaps it's my stressful schedule, I'd say. Or I'd blame a host of other factors that we all know contribute to excess weight. Of course, while all these factors can play a part in a person's ongoing weight problem, what I didn't know was what really contributing to my excess weight in the first place.

The Real Culprit Is Not Excess Calories

What I discovered is that, for most of us, the real culprit behind our weight problem isn't the excess calories we consume, but the preservatives, food additives, alcohol, environmental chemicals and other harmful toxins we ingest. In fact, our body actually produces adipose tissue, or fat cells, as a kind of super-safe storage facility specifically designed to hold these toxins.

There, locked away in our fat cells, the body stores chemicals that would otherwise harm the body's vital organs and other tissues. 

As more and more environmental pollutants, food additives, prescription medications and other powerful toxins enter our system, the body produces more and more fatty tissue to store these harmful chemicals -- and traps more and more excess fluid to suspend these toxins within our cells. Years of toxic buildup can start to overwhelm body systems and cause preventable disease such as:

-Skin irritations
-Candida (Yeast)
-Poor memory
-Low energy
-Bloating or Gas
-Premature Aging/Wrinkles
-Poor digestion
-Weight Gain
-Loss of Hair
-Age Spots
-Water Retention

How to Rid the Body of Harmful Toxins

For thousands of years, the majority of the world's cultures have experienced the rejuvenating benefits of cleansing and fasting on fruit juices, herbs and refreshing clear water.

Even today, millions of people around the world cleanse on a regular basis, giving their bodies time to rest, heal and expel harmful toxins that become stored over time.

Of course, while these cultures don't cleanse simply to lose weight, the truth is, detoxifying the body through cleansing is the first step to losing amazing amounts of fat.


When we detoxify, not only does the body release the fat, the liver also gets clean -- and gets much more efficient at metabolizing the fat our body is now eager to be rid of.

Why Cleansing Is Difficult for Most Americans

Detoxifying with fruit juice, water, exercise or other methods can be quite beneficial. But for most Americans who are addicted to prepackaged carbohydrates, sweets and other toxic foods cleansing with simple juices and water just isn't enough.

We need to rapidly replenish our body's nutritional stores and cut the cravings, too.

Revolutionary New 9-Day Cleansing System
Eliminates Harmful Toxins and Cuts Cravings, Too

Remember I said my good friend John Gray introduced me to this powerful new way of eating? For months, John researched products that could help men and women alike detoxify rapidly, while getting every important enzyme, amino acid, vitamin, mineral and nutrient.

John discovered -- as I want you to do now -- an amazing system that immediately begins whisking away fatty tissue and excess fluid -- as it revitalizes the body's digestive, nervous and other systems and replenishes critical nutritional reserves.

It's called Isagenix...and to say it's sweeping the nation would be an understatement. The program begins with a simple 2-day cleanse on the Isagenix Fast-Start Drink -- a delightful berry flavored drink you enjoy four times each day. Many people lose significant amounts of weight in just the first two days, as their bodies turn from fat-storing to fat-burning. Two Isagenix capsules complete your nutritional intake.

For the next five days, eat one healthy meal you prepare, then substitute the delicious Isagenix Meal Alternative Shake for your two other meals. At the end of the five days, cleanse another two days on the Isagenix Fast-Start Drink.

It's that simple! 

If you still need to shed extra pounds, simply repeat the 9-Day Cycle until you reach your optimum weight. Along the way, you'll be totally supported with more than 240 nutrients that metabolize fat, aid digestion, boost energy and support cells and tissues. Of course, these products do not contain ephedra, ma huang, kola-nut or added caffeine as stimulants.

I Personally Lost 33 Pounds in Just 35 Days!

Not only that, but my joints feel better. I'm light on my feet. I have incredible energy. And best of all -- the sweets, pastas, wines and other no-no's I used to eat now have no hold over me whatsoever! Incredibly, I've kept my weight off month after month, simply by making sure I have these nutrients in my body every day.

Now What About You?

Can you imagine losing unsightly fat and trapped excess fluid quickly, dramatically -- and safely -- as your body releases stored toxins and returns its systems to their optimum function and balance? Read what others have to say about their Isagenix experience: 

27 Lbs. Lighter and Chronic Fatigue Symptoms Gone! 

I have had fibromyalgia and chronic fatigue for as long as I can remember. I began using ISAGENIX about four months ago and have lost 27 pounds. But the real clincher is I am symptom-free and I have never felt this good in my life.
-- Donna Payton, Provo UT

Husband Drops 63 Pounds and Family Is Together Again!

My husband had arrived at the pinnacle of bad health. The doctor explained if he didn't lose 80 to 100 pounds, he was on his way to an early death. My husband was miserable and took out his depression on those around him. This led to a breakdown of the family. When I heard about ISAGENIX, I convinced my husband to try it. In the first 8 days he lost 15 pounds; and in six weeks, a total of 63 pounds. You cannot imagine what this does for a person. I can't explain the feeling you get when your husband tells you for the first time in EIGHT years that he loves you, or when you see him interacting with your children again. I have the man back that I married 20 years ago!
-- Amy Holland, Sweetwater TX

Certified Nutritional Counselor Recommends!!

As a Certified Nutritional Counselor, I had been looking for over four years for a safe and effective weight management product for my clients. I had not found what I had been seeking until ISAGENIX. I personally lost 10 pounds on the program and feel great. It's a privilege as a healthcare professional to promote a product that empowers people to lead a healthier life.
-- LeFils Gay, Valdosta CA

40 Pounds in Six Weeks!

I was introduced to ISAGENIX by my doctor. After 6 weeks, I had lost 40 pounds. My waist size has gone from 49 to 36 inches, but the result I am most pleased with is being able to get off blood pressure medication after the second week of being on the ISAGENIX program.
-- Chan Prosser, Colliersville TX 

Famous Fitness Expert Adds ISAGENIX to Her Program!

ISAGENIX has become an incredible addition to my 24-Hour Turnaround Program--helping my clients both physiologically and emotionally to achieve fast, safe and permanent weight loss and health improvements. The cleaning of the liver and the high quality nutrients and enzymes work synergistically with my exercise program to change the body from a fat storer to a fat burner.
-- Jay Williams, Ph.D., Mauna Lani Resort, Hawaii, author The 24 Hour Turnaround

It's no secret -- dramatic weight loss and profound health improvements are often a welcome side benefit of the Isagenix nutritional program!

Get Started Today!

In the next 24 hours, you too can take a step toward getting healthy, clean and lean.

1-800-591-7751 ext:83
Call Now to order the Isagenix 9-Day Cleansing 
and Fat-Burning System

Or become a distributor like I did and enjoy $40 off your first order.

Need to ask your doctor about starting on the program? That's a great idea. But first, call now to hear what other doctors have already said about this amazing system. In fact, I showed my own doctor these products and now he's recommending Isagenix to his other patients! The ingredients are top-quality and, according to the U.S. Food & Drug Administration, are generally regarded as safe.

In closing, I know that you will want to benefit as much as I have from the Isagenix Cleansing & Fat-Burning System. But first you have to start. It's easy to get going, and I know you'll see a dramatic improvement in your health and well-being.
Don't hesitate. CALL 1-800-591-7751 ext:83 Now! Your products will arrive in just a few days.

In friendship,

Co-Creator, Chicken Soup for the Soul

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