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Re: Problems using mobile agents


Thanks for pointing out this mistake. It will be fixed in the next
version of the tutorial (which should be released in about a week or

Alan Schmitt

>  The tutorial you have used is not really finished, many errors are
>still not fixed. In particular, the correct example should be:
>let loc mobile
>  do {
>       let here = Ns.lookup "here" vartype in
>       go
>       let sqr = Ns.lookup "square" vartype in
>       let def sum (s, n) =
>reply (if n = 0 then s else sum (s+sqr n, n-1)) in
>       let result = sum
>(0,5) in
>       print_string ("q: sum 5 = "^string_of_int result^"\n");
>flush stdout;
>    }
>The error came from the forgotten "vartype" keyword required after the
>Ns.lookup and Ns.register to specify the type of the data.
>- Fabrice Le Fessant

The hacker: someone who figured things out and made something cool happen.