Objective Caml module ``Sys''

Module Sys: system interface

val argv: string array
The command line arguments given to the process. The first element is the command name used to invoke the program. The following elements are the command-line arguments given to the program.
val file_exists: string -> bool
Test if a file with the given name exists.
val remove: string -> unit
Remove the given file name from the file system.
val rename : string -> string -> unit
Rename a file. The first argument is the old name and the second is the new name.
val getenv: string -> string
Return the value associated to a variable in the process environment. Raise Not_found if the variable is unbound.
val command: string -> int
Execute the given shell command and return its exit code.
val time: unit -> float
Return the processor time, in seconds, used by the program since the beginning of execution.
val chdir: string -> unit
Change the current working directory of the process.
val getcwd: unit -> string
Return the current working directory of the process.
val interactive: bool ref
This reference is initially set to false in standalone programs and to true if the code is being executed under the interactive toplevel system ocaml.
val os_type: string
Operating system currently executing the Caml program. One of "Unix", "Win32", or "MacOS".
val word_size: int
Size of one word on the machine currently executing the Caml program, in bits: 32 or 64.
val max_string_length: int
Maximum length of a string.
val max_array_length: int
Maximum length of an array.

Signal handling

type signal_behavior =
  | Signal_ignore
  | Signal_handle of (int -> unit)
What to do when receiving a signal:
Signal_default: take the default behavior (usually: abort the program)
Signal_ignore: ignore the signal
Signal_handle f: call function f, giving it the signal number as argument.
val signal: int -> signal_behavior -> signal_behavior
Set the behavior of the system on receipt of a given signal. The first argument is the signal number. Return the behavior previously associated with the signal.
val set_signal: int -> signal_behavior -> unit
Same as signal but return value is ignored.
val sigabrt: int   (* Abnormal termination *)
val sigalrm: int   (* Timeout *)
val sigfpe: int    (* Arithmetic exception *)
val sighup: int    (* Hangup on controlling terminal *)
val sigill: int    (* Invalid hardware instruction *)
val sigint: int    (* Interactive interrupt (ctrl-C) *)
val sigkill: int   (* Termination (cannot be ignored) *)
val sigpipe: int   (* Broken pipe *)
val sigquit: int   (* Interactive termination *)
val sigsegv: int   (* Invalid memory reference *)
val sigterm: int   (* Termination *)
val sigusr1: int   (* Application-defined signal 1 *)
val sigusr2: int   (* Application-defined signal 2 *)
val sigchld: int   (* Child process terminated *)
val sigcont: int   (* Continue *)
val sigstop: int   (* Stop *)
val sigtstp: int   (* Interactive stop *)
val sigttin: int   (* Terminal read from background process *)
val sigttou: int   (* Terminal write from background process *)
val sigvtalrm: int (* Timeout in virtual time *)
val sigprof: int   (* Profiling interrupt *)
Signal numbers for the standard POSIX signals.
exception Break
Exception raised on interactive interrupt if catch_break is on.
val catch_break: bool -> unit
catch_break governs whether interactive interrupt (ctrl-C) terminates the program or raises the Break exception. Call catch_break true to enable raising Break, and catch_break false to let the system terminate the program on user interrupt.

This document was translated from LATEX by HEVEA.